Vanilla Modded PvE Rules

`► Don’t block location with 1 foundation or pillar, or spam a location with pillars or foundations (Your Tribe will be asked to moved, followed by 1 Warning, followed by tribe wipe, continued refusal will result in Permanent Ban)

`► Don’t block progression caves (Your Tribe will be asked to moved, followed by 1 Warning, followed by tribe wipe, continued refusal will result in Permanent Ban)

► Don’t kite creatures into another players base (Your Tribe will be asked to moved, followed by 1 Warning, followed by tribe wipe, continued refusal will result in Permanent Ban)

► Insiding this includes disabling defences, destroying dinos, damaging the base before leaving or to hinder progress this also includes getting pissed off with your Tribemates and disabling defences, destroying dinos, damaging the base. Giving information to another tribe or telling base coords (Permanent Ban)

► No Meshing (1 Warning, followed by tribe wipe, continued refusal will result in Permanent Ban)

► No Cheating (1 Warning, followed by tribe wipe, continued refusal will result in Permanent Ban)