Primal Eternal 1000x PvP Tribe Scores

Primal Eternal 1000x Tribe Scores

Position Tribe Name Tribe ID Tribe Score
1 Mcdonald's 1848582626 19852
2 "The one and only noob" 1729155041 3237
3 Imperium 1155712090 1203
4 Tribe of MAK 1723966966 512
5 Tribe of Feet 1903832168 27
6 Solo 1303123373 18
7 Tribe of Speedy 1441799390 17
8 Tribe of NAKS 1885609552 3
9 KFC 1050558378 0
10 God Slayers 1082144686 0
11 Tribe of w0man 1111429511 0
12 Tribe of NORTH;) 1137604607 0
13 Tribe of darkness 1138451470 0
14 Племя игрока Kara 1327586396 0
15 Stamm von Umberto 1419167688 0
16 menacing 1421266453 0
17 Tribe of VC 1461813233 0
18 Tribe of Cheekybroccoli 1529269918 0
19 INC Weather 1732799080 0
20 Tribe of Rasta 1809733988 0
21 House of Blasphemy 1860921060 0
22 Boom 1292036091 -1
23 Tribe of Glen 1393901230 -9
24 Tribe of Rex 1885696647 -11
25 Nocturnal 1295122887 -21
26 BeStrong 1109130665 -24
27 The Forgotten Peckers 1408180477 -85
28 The Ev1ls 1543036379 -1243