ARK Donation Store

$ 5 .00

per month

  • 2 Dino Colour Tokens
  • 500 Points on all Clusters
  • 500 Points at the Start of a Season
  • Discord Membership Role
$ 10 .00

per month

  • 2 Dino Colour Tokens
  • 1000 Points on all Clusters
  • 1000 Points at the Start of a Season
  • Discord Membership Role
  • Tribe Logs Sent to Discord Channel
$ 15 .00

per month

  • 5 Dino Colour Tokens on all clusters
  • 1000 Points on all Clusters
  • 1000 Points at the Start of a Season
  • 80 points per 20 minutes all clusters
  • Double Turret Filler Range
  • Discord Membership Role
  • Tribe Logs Sent to Discord Channel
$ 20 .00

per month

  • 10 Dino Colour Tokens on all clusters
  • 1500 Points on all Clusters
  • 1500 Points at the Start of a Season
  • 80 points per 20 minutes all clusters
  • Double Turret Filler Range
  • Discord Membership Role
  • Tribe Logs Sent to Discord Channel
  • Custom Chat Colour
$ 25 .00

per month

  • 15 Dino Colour Tokens on all clusters
  • 1500 Points on all Clusters
  • 1500 Points at the Start of a Season
  • 100 points per 20 minutes all clusters
  • Triple Turret Filler Range
  • Discord Membership Role
  • Tribe Logs Sent to Discord Channel
  • Custom Chat Colour
$ 30 .00

per month

  • Unlimited Dino Colour Tokens for the duration of the Membership
  • 15 Dino Colour Tokens on all clusters (Added to your balance if you decide to stop your Subscription you will have these Tokens in your total Balance)
  • 1500 Points on all Clusters
  • 1500 Points at the Start of a Season
  • 100 points per 20 minutes all clusters
  • Triple Turret Filler Range
  • Discord Membership Role
  • Tribe Logs Sent to Discord Channel
  • Custom Chat Colour